MKissa Creations

Life, Crafts and Kids in Vacation Land

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First Two Completed Quilts Ever!

I gave my first two completed quilts ever yesterday to two soon to be parents of twins (a boy and a girl). The soon to be new father has been friends with my boyfriend for over 20 years.

They twins nursery has had a monkey mural painted in it, so what better than monkey quilts.

I just can’t believe I actually got them done on time. They are totally machine sewn and while I would have liked to have at least done some hand quilting, I just didn’t have the time. I had a couple of really really late nights making sure these were done in time for the shower.

The label for Tyler’s quilt. I designed the paper pieced banana on my own.

The front of Tyler’s quilt.

The back of Tyler’s quilt.

The label for Madison’s quilt.

The front of Madison’s quilt.

The Back of Madison’s quilt.

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I am here…

But currently sinking under the loads and loads of things that I need to do. I really needed a three day weekend. I was really really productive, not lazy at all, and I really just needed that extra day. I almost stayed up late last night but decided that being tired would make me less productive.

So… on to what I did get done this weekend. I did go to the Green Scene at the Fullerton Arboretum and picked out the plants that I wanted to put in my new garden boxes (which I made last week, btw). Then I came home and planted them all. Last week while preparing the boxes for their new tenants I also turned my compost pile. Oh my gosh. I AM SO PROUD OF MIKE AND I. Our compost is delicious and earthy smelling and although there is not much now, this winter and next summer I should have an amazing amount.

Public service announcemnt about compost:
This is one of the most amazing things I have ever done. Our kitchen trash is one hundred times less stinky, and we produce about 50% less trash. I would like to encourage EVERYONE to take a step in the compost direction. It really does make a difference. If you are interested here: Some of the sites and all of the information make it seem like a lot of work to compost. IT IS SO EASY! Granted, if I paid more attention to ours it would probably work faster, but for me, this is not a race, it is just me doing my part, or at least, part of my part. 🙂

On to the garden here are some pictures of my garden on it’s first day.

Short Box- Planted Green Beans, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Mix Lettuce and Yellow Squash.

Tall Box- Planted Green Beans, Sun Flower, Bell Pepper, San Marzano Tomatoes, Italian Roma Tomatoes, Rowdy Red Tomatoes, Green Onions, Carrots, Poblano Peppers, Anaheim Chilis, and Jimmy Nardello Sweet Non-Bell Peppers.

We will be having progress posts on the garden, as well as harvest day porn. 🙂

Saturday after we were done planting we relaxed in the back yard, had a little bonfire and just enjoyed our accomplishment of the day.

Sunday we woke up and road our bikes to breakfast in Villa Park, and then took a ride down to Old Town Orange for the annual show. By 10 it started to head into the nineties so we decided it was best to head home. Came home and promptly plopped myself in front of my sewing machine. Baby shower for the twins is on Saturday and I have only just finished piecing the blocks for BOTH quilts. Arg. So, thats what I will be doing every night this week.

About 3 o’clock I was totally exhausted and took an hour and a half nap, and then headed to my mom’s in Costa Mesa for our post Passover Passover Seder. Got home at 9 and sewed again until 11:30. Then decided I would probably be more productive today if I went to bed then instead of at 1:30. Sleep was not easy though as MAN had a wrestless night and kept waking me up. Sigh… work today from 8:30-5 and then Zitos from 5 until it gets slow, then the gym for at least two miles and ten minutes on the deathly stairmill, then home to shower and sew.

Tomorrow won’t be better. But… I think that I am going to take some time off after I run our Golf Tournament (May 4). I am just going to take some time off for me, not go on vacation just work on getting the house straightened out and cleaned up.

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Baby Blanket #1

Tiramisu Blanket 002
Originally uploaded by mkissa

There are a lot of babies coming into my life soon. None of them will be mine, but here is the first of 4 baby blankets. It is for the baby of a sorority sister.

The blanket is 25″x25″ made with Lion Brand’s Pound of Love, a 5.5mm (I) hook, and some brown ribbon. I just love the way it turned out. It will be gifted later today or perhaps Wednesday.

The pattern is by Alicia Paulson and can be found here: