MKissa Creations

Life, Crafts and Kids in Vacation Land


My Harry Potter Birthday Party

Well… I hit the bit 3-oh on Monday and on Sunday I had a Harry Potter Birthday Party (hey, we had a Star Wars one for the MAN’s 40th). My sister and I did a lot of the decorations ourselves.

I cut this sign out of black foam core with an x-acto knife. I drew if freehand before I cut, based on Jennifer Ofenstein’s Leaky Cauldron quilt pattern. I absolutely LOVE how it turned out.


Then I painted this Platform 9 3/4 sign. Its on a piece of scrap cardboard, but with how awesome it turned out I really wish I had put it on a piece of foam core or a piece of wood.


My sister made the sparkly snitches and we also had flying keys with sparkly wings on our cabinets.

I bought a frog candy mold on for like $4 and made chocolate frogs. Dark and Milk. They really turned out fantastic. We had Jelly Belly’s and Licorice Wands and my sister made her fantastic sugar cookies in Sorting Hat form. She also made the awesome cupcakes!




It was a great party and really fun to be able to use a lot of my Halloween decor as well as make some new signs.

I got a fantastic GC for a local fabric store that I already had a GC for, and the MAN and I went shopping yesterday. Big Fabric Friday post tomorrow. We finally have the fabric for our bus curtains!