MKissa Creations

Life, Crafts and Kids in Vacation Land

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Fun with magnet paper

So, I’ve been playing with the magnetic ink jet paper…


I made a Buffy magnetic “poetry” set for one of my best friends. It was really fun to come up with all the different words, I’m not really sure how many words I have in there, but there are definitely two full pages of Times (font) size 13 bold, just to get an idea. They fit nicely in their Altoid box home.


The back.

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Holiday gifts

This was finished before the holidays but it was the last gift I gave out. I can finally post the pictures. I made three of these sets, with different colors and themes, but all of the others were made last minute… so there are no pictures.



The pattern is the Flirty Skirty from The Apron Lady Sewing Designs They worked up super quick and I made matching oven mits for each apron and everyone seemed to love them. Now I just need to make myself one… haha… perhaps after I clean my sewing room. It is once again a mess.