MKissa Creations

Life, Crafts and Kids in Vacation Land

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Candy Corn!

Hooray for Halloween. So far I have made 6 of these little guys (and gifted 4 of them). They are about 3 and a half inches tall each. The pattern for them can be found at


The ones that I have created can stand up on their own. The way that I did that was by changing the last row of stitches to skip one st, 1 sc in next 4 st and then skip again, sc in next 4 st… continue until you get to the stitch marker. Then when sewing the bottom together I sewed the outside on each stitch together. I LOVE how they turned out!

Oh… also if you need some stitch markers for a project like these you can view a tutorial to make your own at I happen to be the lucky owner of those HP stitch markers. 🙂



Okay, so for awhile I have been participating in Talk to Me Tuesday. It is an awesome way for a bunch of awesome crafty ladies to share what we have been doing online, and it was started by Jennifer Ofenstein of You can read more about it here:

Aaaanyways, I have been somewhat reluctant to share my videos on this blog because it is so public. At this point though, what the hell. Most people know how nutty and nerdy I am. Perhaps what you might not know is how many times I can say “Um” in 8 minutes. Being in front of the camera makes me nervous… what can I say?

Okay, so you want to know I have online crafty friends, why can’t I make crafty friends near my home? Weeeell… it seems that the average age of crafty/quilty/crocheting women is about 52. While I can get along with 52 year old women fairly well, it is nice to be involved with a crafty group that I have a bit more in common with.

This video is a response to Jennifer’s weekly video, which you can get to by going to the youtube page and clicking on the link right under my video, which reads: This is a response to: Talk To Me Tuesday – Pigtails!

So… I hope you enjoy my nerdiness!!

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Granny Rectangle #2

I started this blanket while finishing the last baby quilt that I made. It seemed like our friends and family members kept announcing pregnancies and I was unsure how many would continue to roll in. So this is the boy baby blanket that I made just in case. I used the same pattern as the blanket in the entry below.


It turned out a bit larger than the typical crochet baby blanket, but I am sure it will make a great baby/toddler blanket. Something that the child can snuggle with until they are 4 or 5…

This blanket and it’s pattern can be viewed on my Ravelry. Username: MKissa