MKissa Creations

Life, Crafts and Kids in Vacation Land


Post Halloween Post

WOW! Halloween was a blast this year. A little busy, but, all in all, good fun. The last few days I felt a cold coming on, but refused to accept it. Well… today I was forced to deal with it and am at home from work drinking fluids and watching bad TV.

I figure I will get my Halloween pictures posted before everyone switches into Christmakkah mode. I worked hard on our costumes this year, and am really happy with the results. I made the shirt for my dirndl and I made the vest and pants for the MAN’s Sam Adams costume. They were the perfect costumes for bar hoping as all of the drunks recognized the pair of us. 🙂 Our friends were the Leg Lamp and Ralphie from a Christmas story and an Oompa Loompa.

We had a fantastic time. There are 4 bars in Old Town Orange, in the Circle/Plaza so we did a mini crawl with our little group. The bartender at Haven Gastropub gave us free shots (under the condition that our Oompa Loompa friend danced for 20 seconds while the rest of us sang a song for her. FUN! The Oompa Loompa was super popular and everyone wanted to take pictures with her. The leg lamp rocked in the costume contest at Paul’s Cocktails and won third place. At O’Hara’s Pub a little person came up to the Oompa Loompa and accused her of stealing her costume. It was definitely a good laugh for all. Nothing too exciting happened at the District Lounge, but there was definitely some good music to be had.





My HP pumpkin. I used Jennifer Ofenstein’s HP block pattern (can be found at with a few modifications so that the pumpkin pieces would stay in the right spots.