MKissa Creations

Life, Crafts and Kids in Vacation Land

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Thanks to my lovely sister I have a brand new logo! Check it out! I could not be happier. This coming month should show some new and exciting things for me including selling in an actual brick and mortar store.

I’ve already got some new items ready to go for my etsy shop as well.

In January I attempted a new listing every day. I only made it with 10 new items. That was sort of disappointing, but I think it was too big of a step to fast. This month, with my new logo, and new shop, I am going to give a daily listing challenge another go! This time I am going to allow myself to count re-listings as well, mostly on days where I am not able to get a new product placed in my shop.

In addition to my new etsy posts I am committing myself to 2 blog posts and 2 facebook posts each week! So please expect to see a lot more of me around these interwebz!

Much love to all of my fellow crafters!

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Daily Listing Challenge

I’ve decided to really focus on getting my etsy shop to a more successful part of my life! To jump start it for the new year I have decided to participate in a daily listing challenge on etsy. I will be listing a new item EVERY day in the month of January. I started off on the right foot with a new VW Bus onesie in grey. I love the fabric that I used for colored part of the bus. I also use it in my construction onesie set.

I have big plans for this daily challenge which includes at least 2 new bouquet arrangements and also at least one new baby quilt. Along with posting daily on etsy I also hope to be posting at least twice a week on this blog. I am hoping to create some decent foot traffic on both my etsy and here at my blog. I plan on posting my experiences with the craft business world while balancing a full time restaurant management job.

Getting items ready to post on my days off is going to be a huge part of this challenge, so far I have tomorrow’s item already completed, I just have to take photographs and get it posted up on etsy. On Thursday I should be able to get at least three more items completed. I am really excited to test and challenge myself this month.

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January Daily Posting Challenge

To challenge myself in the month of January I will be participating in a daily posting challenge on etsy. That means 31 new products for my shop. I am really going to have to focus and brainstorm. I still have 19 idea spots to fill, of the 12 spots already filled I should have at least 6 of those projects completed before the beginning of the year. The items to be posted at the end of the month are definitely larger and more involved. I’m pretty excited to move forward with my etsy shop, I know that I will need to move on to craft fairs to really be able to make money from this type of business, but at least etsy is an easy platform that allows me to do this while I continue to work a full time job.

You can expect plenty of pictures of the items being posted as they get completed and posted in my etsy shop.


First order is away…

I’ve just finished and shipped my first custom etsy order. Oh man am I nervous for her to receive them and decide that they are everything she wanted.

I think they turned out great and am really happy with them. I made 5 Bridesmaids Bouquets, 1 Bridal Bouquet and 1 Toss Bouquet.

Red and White Polka Dot Wedding

A little closer up…

Red and White Polka Dot Wedding Close Up

And the boutonnieres (I made 5 groomsman ones, missed one in this picture, and 1 for the groom that has the double flower)

Red and White Polka Dot Wedding Boutonnieres

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I made my first etsy sale. It was a custom order for bouquets and boutonnieres. So I am working my little fanny off getting those done. But OH heaven. I am so flipping excited!

It took just about 100 views on that particular item to get the sale made. If I can pull just one order like this a month I will be soooo very satisfied. I got started on the roses last night and I have 20 done so far. Her colors are red, red w/white polka dots and white! I am just so excited to be able to make these for someone else after being so flipping happy with mine.

The beginning of the madness…




Been hand sewing my fingers to the bone lately.

Really trying to stock up my etsy shop even if it is just one item at a time. I got these two onesies posted up there today. YAY! I have quite a few of them stocked up, and am excited to see if they receive a good response.

Boy and Girl VW Bus Onesie

I have plans to make some pillows that look like the quilt label I made for the MAN’s quilt, hopefully to sell on etsy and at bus shows.

I also got a birthday block for the group done too. One more March one, I am going to try to get it done on Sunday.


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Productive Day

Today we started some seeds for the garden. We did them in egg crates. Hopefully that works well for us and becomes a new tradition. I turned the compost (having a bunny is really helping our compost move along a bit faster than it had before) and fought a battle with the icky grubs that are trying to make my garden boxes their breeding grounds, UGH! Lots of splattered grub guts on the concrete today.

I also finally decided that I will offer the same kinds of bouquets and bouts that I made for my wedding available for custom order in my etsy shop. A reminder of my awesome bouquet: