MKissa Creations

Life, Crafts and Kids in Vacation Land

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Which Shoes? Witch Shoes!

Welcome to MKissa Creations Blog!! Most of you are probably here from the Whims and Fancies Halloween Blog Hop and I’m thrilled to have some new visitors. I recently moved my blog over here from a wordpress blog that was getting to me.

So anyways… lets get down to what you are really here for! The blog hop block of the day. Here are some Witch Shoes for your enjoyment! I love Halloween and was so excited to be able to participate in this blog hop. Please check out some of my other posts about Halloween and check back for the one more that I have coming. I made my costume again this year and it’s one that I have been wanting to put together for quite awhile!



A Big special “Thank you!” to Soma over at Whims and Fancies! And congrats on hosting a successful blog hop!


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Halloween is Coming!

Halloween is one of my most favorite holidays! I love dressing up and making costumes.Last year we had the opportunity to dress up when it wasn’t Halloween. One of our friends had an ABC (Anything But Clothes) Party and I had a lot of playing cards around…

PictureMost of my costume crafting is done very very last minute and without a lot of planning, and yes, that has come back to bite me in the ass once or twice. Although I don’t have pictures of the construction I can pretty much tell you how I made these. I cut out all of my pieces from muslin and ironed on a fusible interfacing. Then I laid out all of the cards in the order that I wanted them and ironed them on. I did this one column at a time and I did it before I sewed any pieces of fabric together. After all of the cards were ironed on to the fabric I sewed diagonal lines in both directions across each card. This kept any corners from peeling and also allowed us to sit in our costumes without worrying about cards falling off.

My outfit consists of an under-bust corset with metal rivet holes in the back and then I made a three piece wrap skirt (three trapezoids). I couldn’t quite find a way to cover my whole top with cards without making a potato sack looking dress, so the t-shirt with strategically placed straight flushes had to do. They were hot glued together and then glued onto safety pins and then affixed to my shirt. We each had a pocket on our clothes made out of an empty card box. Mine was on my skirt and the MANs was on his vest.

I made the pattern from my husbands shorts based on a pair of board shorts. If I did it all over again I might take a little bit more time on the crotch area as it seemed to bunch weird, but he wore it like a champ and won best costume amongst all of the men there. I made his vest and short pieces the same way that I made the fabric for my skirt and corset.

I really loved the way these turned out, and both costumes are sitting around waiting to be revisited.

Sam Adams and SainPicturet Pauli’s Girl – Our forever Bar Hopping Halloween Costumes. I made this set for my husband. I used Butterick Pattern 3072 I used Gabardine that I found at our local discount fabric store for about $3/yard and found the buttons for his vest there as well. I lined the vest with muslin (again, last minute, not enough planning, I wish I would have lined it with darker fabric). I have purchased the wool to make the coat that is shown in the pattern too and oh he is just waiting for me to pick up that fabric again.

I was lucky enough to be gifted a German Dirndl (which I had a friend quickly hem about 18″ off of the minute it was in my possession). I did make the shirt to wear underneath it from a very simple pattern and white eyelet fabric.


I’m not quite sure yet what we will be wearing this year, but its getting close and I’m sure I will end up in freak out mode sometime soon here!

What are you going to be for Halloween?


Post Halloween Post

WOW! Halloween was a blast this year. A little busy, but, all in all, good fun. The last few days I felt a cold coming on, but refused to accept it. Well… today I was forced to deal with it and am at home from work drinking fluids and watching bad TV.

I figure I will get my Halloween pictures posted before everyone switches into Christmakkah mode. I worked hard on our costumes this year, and am really happy with the results. I made the shirt for my dirndl and I made the vest and pants for the MAN’s Sam Adams costume. They were the perfect costumes for bar hoping as all of the drunks recognized the pair of us. 🙂 Our friends were the Leg Lamp and Ralphie from a Christmas story and an Oompa Loompa.

We had a fantastic time. There are 4 bars in Old Town Orange, in the Circle/Plaza so we did a mini crawl with our little group. The bartender at Haven Gastropub gave us free shots (under the condition that our Oompa Loompa friend danced for 20 seconds while the rest of us sang a song for her. FUN! The Oompa Loompa was super popular and everyone wanted to take pictures with her. The leg lamp rocked in the costume contest at Paul’s Cocktails and won third place. At O’Hara’s Pub a little person came up to the Oompa Loompa and accused her of stealing her costume. It was definitely a good laugh for all. Nothing too exciting happened at the District Lounge, but there was definitely some good music to be had.





My HP pumpkin. I used Jennifer Ofenstein’s HP block pattern (can be found at with a few modifications so that the pumpkin pieces would stay in the right spots.

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Candy Corn!

Hooray for Halloween. So far I have made 6 of these little guys (and gifted 4 of them). They are about 3 and a half inches tall each. The pattern for them can be found at


The ones that I have created can stand up on their own. The way that I did that was by changing the last row of stitches to skip one st, 1 sc in next 4 st and then skip again, sc in next 4 st… continue until you get to the stitch marker. Then when sewing the bottom together I sewed the outside on each stitch together. I LOVE how they turned out!

Oh… also if you need some stitch markers for a project like these you can view a tutorial to make your own at I happen to be the lucky owner of those HP stitch markers. 🙂